Did you know that 80% of learning is visual? Yet one out of four children in the U.S. has an undiagnosed visual problem that impacts his or her learning? Many […]
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Many kids are misdiagnosed as having learning disabilities.

Why visualizing images is so important for young readers, and how to foster the skill
Washington Post writer, Danna Lorch, writes a wonderful article about “Why visualizing images is so important for young readers, and how to foster the skill”. My first award-winning book, See […]

Dr. Sam Berne Podcast with Dr. Lynn Hellerstein
Dr. Sam Berne Eye Clarity Podcast featuring Dr. Lynn Hellerstein

School’s not out forever: Why ‘back-to-school’ exams are crucial this year
Back to school eye exams are important for ensuring not only overall healthy visual function but also that students understand the importance of adhering to good eye health hygiene and […]

Visualization- for Sports and Performance Video Presentation- Part 3/3/
Visualization for Sports and Performance Learn about the importance of enhancing visualization for sports, music, and optimal performance in life.

Visualization-New Strategies for Improving Reading, Spelling & Creative Writing Skills-Part 2/3
Learn specific visualization strategies to help improve reading comprehension and fluency, spelling, creative writing, and math facts. Help your child/ patient with two of the biggest school stressors …homework and […]

Child Decoded- Great Reference!
The lead editor of this helpful “owner’s manual” for parents serving as effective advocates for their child is Robin E McEvoy, a developmental neuropsychologist practicing in Denver, Colorado.

A Life of Expecting Miracles
Our vision does not limit us. We limit our vision with our beliefs, behaviors and attitudes. Expand your vision. See beyond the predictable!
What’s New in Computer & IPad Apps for Vision Training!
Learn about the new “games” and 3D technology to improve eye teaming skills, eye movements and amblyopia

Vision-restoring gene therapy also strengthens visual processing pathways in brain
“It’s an elegant demonstration that these visual processing pathways can be restored even long after the period when it was thought there would be a loss of plasticity,” said senior […]