The Power of Your Imagination – How Children Can Heal

Thanks to Dr. Charlotte Reznick, psychologist for her article published in Psychology Today 12/4/12 on How Children Can Heal.  Here is a short except.

With the holidays approaching, expectations of peace, love, giving, receiving, and forgiving abound. My mind and heart naturally wander to thoughts of compassion and self-compassion and where these very critical values stand in our consciousness. Especially at this time of year when many feel they are supposed to be joyful yet are not.
Perhaps nowhere is the importance of kids developing compassion more keenly felt than in the opening scene of this year’s documentary Bully. A dazed father talks about the suicide of his son, a victim of bullying. Later, another boy deadpans his own experience. “They punch me, they strangle me, they take things from me, they sit on me.” One wonders how could anyone be so cold-hearted, so without compassion, that they have no awareness of, or care about, how their actions effect others. The fact that 13 million children are affected by bullying in the U.S. each year is staggering and points to a desperate need to develop the skills of compassion 
Read the rest of the article here and check out her website here.
By Dr. Lynn Hellerstein, Colorado Optometrist in Vision Therapy
Lynn Hellerstein
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