Millions of Americans Unable to see in 3-D

More movies are being made in 3-D–Avatar, Alice in Wonderland…

According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), from 3-9 MILLION people have problems with binocular vision prohibiting them from watching 3-D TV and movies.  Check out some great 3-D pictures and video about 3-D vision.  Click Here

ESPN & Discovery Channel are preparing to broadcast in 3-D.  The new technology is fascinating, but some people may not be able to enjoy the 3-D experience because of vision problems.  People with unstable focusing difficulty in eye coordination can experience headaches, and other uncomfortable side effects from viewing 3-D movements.

The AOA recommends seeing an optometrist for further evaluation if you answer yes to any of the following questions:

1.  Is the 3-D viewing experience not as vivid as it is for others watching the same pictures?

2.  Do you experience eyestrain or headaches during or after viewing?

3.  Do you Fell nauseous or dizzy during of after viewing?

4.  ARe you more comfortable viewing 2-D TV or movies instead of 3-D TV/movies?

5.  Is it difficult for your eyes to adjust back to normal after watching 3-D TV/movies?

GOOD NEWS!  Vision therapy can re-educate the brain to achieve single, clear, comfortable, two-eyed vision that improves eye coordination, focusing and eye movement, thereby enhancing the 3-D viewing experience.

Remember, all children should have yearly vision exams, and adults should be examined every 1-2 years depending on their eye health, vision status or certain risk facts.  Check with your family optometrist!

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