Dr. Susan Barry Interviewed on Terry Gross NPR program

Dr. Sue Barry tells how she achieved binocular vision after being told she was too old to do anything about her strabismus.  Sue, a neurobiologist, had been cross-eyed since early infancy. Though she had operations as a young child to correct her eyes’ appearance, they still sent conflicting messages to her brain. As a result, she viewed the world in a flat plane and had no stereoscopic 3-D vision

Sue did vision therapy at the age of 48 years old with a Fellow of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development. She achieved ‘stereovision’!

Click here to listen to this program with Terry Gross on NPR.

Sue’s book, Fixing My Gaze, will be released in paperback from Amazon.

Sue is a master at sharing her beautiful story on how her world has transformed since improving her vision.

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