Toys May Hold Risks for Kids

Toy-related injuries sent more than 235,000 kids to U.S. emergency rooms for treatment in 2008, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Another 19 children died as the result of a mishap involving a toy.

Choking hazards have long been a leading cause of death in children, prompting the creation of warning labels detailing small parts and recommending minimum ages for certain toys.

“The injury statistics serve as a reminder that choosing the right toy is just a start and that there’s still the need for parents to be ever vigilant when their children are at play”, said Dr. Pete Kehoe, an Illinois optometrist and spokesman for Prevent Blindness America.

Laser pointers and toys with laser attachments also present a risk. A 15-year-old Swiss boy playing with a laser pointer accidentally beamed the laser into his eyes, permanently damaging his vision, according to a letter published Sept. 9 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

“Even video games have their problems. Too much play can create eyestrain”, Kehoe said.  “If you do anything too much, it’s not good for you,” he said. “Children should not spend more than 20 to 30 minutes playing a video game without taking a visual break.”

To make sure toys for your kids are fun and safe, Click here to read more about toy safety from US Dept. of Health & Human Services.

By Dr. Lynn Hellerstein, a Colorado Optometrist in vision therapy.

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