A Mind Body Approach Through Nutrition

Why am I writing about nutrition in a vision blog?  I am a very strong believer that nutrition plays a significant role in our overall health and performance.  Many of the vision therapy patients I see, especially those with behavioral problems, have nutritional problems.  Sometimes they are in need of vitamin/mineral supplementation and sometimes there are significant allergies.  Other patients may present with visual complaints, and the vision changes are because of health related problems like diabetes or hypertension;  illnesses that are impacted by nutrition.

My own personal journey has been a nutritional challenge.  In 2002, after having colon surgery, I developed allergies and sensitivities to almost all foods.  Not being able to eat or digest (metaphor for not digesting life!) definitely slowed my healing.  Through this time, my thinking was clouded, I couldn’t process fast enough to feel safe driving and I had signs of depression.

It was through the assistance of excellent nutritionists and Eastern Medicine that I finally started recovering.  Eventually, I could tolerate more foods and build my immune system.  I am forever grateful for those who supported me in my health and wellness journey.

As I continue on my journey to share the See It. Say It. Do It! Model with others, note that the book rests on the belief of the importance of wellness and empowerment for each person.  Nutrition is one of many pieces to the puzzle necessary for good wellness, optimal performance and success.

I am honored that my daughter, Becky, is a mindful nutritionist/dietician in Seattle.  Its not about the diet only.  Its about the entire mindset, belief system and commitment.  Hmm, sounds a bit like the See It. Say It. Do It! Model as it applies to nutrition.  Click here to see Becky’s website.


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