I'm a Singer! I'm a Singer! (My Dream Comes True!)

Have you ever dreamed about something you wanted or wanted to be?  Only to be STOPPED by that little voice in our heads that says things like:

You can’t do that.

You don’t have the skill.

People will make fun of you.

You’re not good enough.

CampExperience™ is a one-of-a-kind retreat designed exclusively for women that are ready for inspiration and transformation. At Camp, you will refine your vision, reflect on your purpose, enjoy top speakers and activity leaders and relax in an amazing setting.

The theme for the 2011 Camp Experience was, “Find Your Voice”.  There are many ways to do that.  Too often we hold back, don’t speak our truth and miss opportunities for growth, learning and fun.

This year, Amy, one of our ABO certified opticians at Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center PC, performed at Camp Experience in a featured Barbershop Quartet.  The Quartet also taught a class on how to sing.  This class performed with Amy’s Quartet at the Camp Talent show.

I’ve dreamed about singing Memories”, like Barbara Streisand.  Since I am musical (play flute), can read music and keep pitch, the only thing holding me back from singing is my very limited 6 note range!

I found my courage and  found my voice, joining the singing class at Camp.  Barbershop singing is just perfect for me.  I start as a base and then keep jumping octives (because of my small range) and find myself joining another harmony in the Quartet. 🙂

Enjoy the picture, you won’t get to listen to our beautiful rendition…yet.  Coming soon!

Amy & Dr. Lynn performing at CampExperience

By Dr. Lynn Hellerstein

Colorado Optometrist in Vision Therapy & Visual Processing

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