Many kids with 20/20 eyesight have undetected vision problems that impede learning. Move forward with effective solutions…
Master the 15 sports vision skills that can take your game over the top; practice visualization, gain mental edge.
Many kids with 20/20 eyesight have undetected vision problems that impede learning. Move forward with effective solutions…
Master the 15 sports vision skills that can take your game over the top; practice visualization, gain mental edge.
Lynn’s work on visualization is ground-breaking and timely. I commend her book and the work done in her practice, as well as the material in her seminars, very highly.Dr. Len Press, OD, FCOVD, FAAOOptometric DirectorThe Vision and Learning Center
Lynn Hellerstein is one of the most innovative, thorough, dynamic professionals I know. She has built a wonderful reputation for being result-oriented with compassion and caring. Her new book demonstrates these characteristics. As a colleague I can highly recommend her and as a friend, I can tell you that she is a ‘GEM’!Sandra CoulsonOrofacial Myology Associates, Inc.
Dr. Hellerstein, one of America’s top vision specialists, provides an insightful and wonderfully practical look at learning how to learn that will be a tremendous gift to parents, teachers, tutors, and students of all ages. This book provides a wealth of clear and precise information describing how to help students master all kinds of learning by employing visualization and imagery skills that likely already possess but don’t know how to use. We are thrilled to have it available to recommend… Read moreDrs. Brock and Fernette EideAuthors of The Mislabeled ChildEide Neurolearning Clinic
Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Ann Martin, Sound Worker, Musician, and Creator of BLISSbowls™ Sound Healing and Meditation Methods – online classes that offer a contemporary approach […]
Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Judy Katz, award-winning ghostwriter and book publisher and promoter, to talk about the wonder of writing a book and how people can add […]
Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Dr. Patrick Quaid, Neuro-Optometrist, published Vision Science researcher, best-selling author, and international lecturer, to talk about kids with vision and learning issues. […]
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